
The most oppressed country in the history!

Thinking of my country, Iran and its people, reminds me of a story by Manouchehr Ehterami.

According to the story, snakes have been eating frogs, and frogs were upset about their unpleasant situation to the point that they complained against snakes to storks. Storks, after hearing their story, ate a group of snakes send the rest away. Frogs were happy about storks’supports and celebrated for their victory.

It was not long after, that storks became hungry and started eating frogs. Suddenly, frogs were confused about their logic and point of views. Some of them accepted living beside storks and get eaten by them, and some others preferred previous situation with snakes.

Finally, snakes returned and along with storks continued eating frogs. Now, frogs accepted the fact that they were created to be eaten by other creatures. But the only problem remained unsolved was to figure out if it is better to be eaten by their friends or their enemies?

P.S - Video is taken at Touchal (Tehran), singing “Persian Gulf” originally sung by Ebi.

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